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MOTO! MWAKI! THITIMA! Whatever you want to call it xD. This is one of those songs you just write in like 8 minutes, no struggles at all, everything just flowing kama chai moto from a thermos to a cup hahah!..Owh sorry, where are my manners, hi how are you?? hows your week coming along??( you can tell me all about it in the comments section..or if your shy you can slide in my DM too xD)

Okay so alot of people have been asking me what this song means and for some its a love song, for some its about patience, for some its a song literally about fire hahah(this ones are just special haha ) But the thing is none of them are wrong coz see thats just art for create it share it and it becomes and means something else when people listen to it hehe . I dont know how you related or what meaning you related to the song but for me the song was about change :) (actually tell me in the comments what the song meant for you hehe)

Yes change!..true change..and am not talking about money here(PUN VERY MUCH INTENDED! xD..damn this was a really good one hahah!)..but seriously though, i'm talking about real change..change from within..'permanent consistent change' from darkness to light, from sinful wretched ways to walking in the way God has called us to:)

Hey were all sinners whether you want to admit or not and nobody's perfect but we can be and we will be. Just look at Jesus the perfect example. Born like us, lived like us (okay excluding all the technology and stuff but am sure you get the point hehe) So come close..closer..nearer...let the sparks ignite your heart..let them grow into flames and Burn you inch by inch, consume you inch by inch and Renew you inch by inch :)

Until next time or rather until the next song have a good one hehe.. and btw hope you normally share this songs if not na unasoma this post i'll know na tutarub friendship for reals haha nway nice time:)


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